My last game night (for the regular game) was March 11th. We were supposed to play again this Friday, the 25th, but some work commitments means we had to put that off for another week, which bums me out. On off weeks, we've been trying to get another group going with limited success. All of this, plus the amount of time I spend during the week on game prep, research, and just general goofing off has made me realize that I have a higher-than-average gaming drive.
If I had my way, I'd like to play daily. Of course, I have work and family commitments which prevent that, but that isn't my point. My point is that I enjoy gaming. I enjoy hanging out with friends and having a common interest. One of the reasons that I prefer to DM is because of the time it takes. While many people bemoan the time required to DM, I love it. I'm the type of guy that finds the odd bits to bring to the table to help create atmosphere and immersion. For example, during the next major leg of the campaign, I have come across some great mood music and even some voice-acted mp3's that give some great flavor and backstory to the game. I pour over game guides and fan-created tidbits. I forward them on to my players, only to have them reply, "Hey thanks. I'll get to that when I can."
So, I'm curious. How many other fanatics are there out there?
Well, you know my proclivities. I love to game, but have other loves, too. Plus I have higher than average gamer ADD.