Monday, May 16, 2011

New game with an interesting dynamic

     My new Pathfinder game kicked off this past Friday.  All but one of the players showed up (eventually), and I think we all had a good time.  This group has a much different dynamic than my other game, that's for sure.  For one, 3 of the characters are chaotic neutral.  Normally, I shy away from this alignment choice because it tends to create some intra-party problems and can often lead to unheroic characters and events.  However, 2 of the CN players are from my other group, and I'm hoping that everything will go along swimmingly.  We also have a LG half-giant paladin, who is already showing to be a brute in combat.  And, surprisingly, the summoner's eidolon has held his own, too.  The party immediately faced off in combat with a group of muggers and promptly beat them down, even without the dwarven fighter in the mix yet (player absence).  The party then spent the remainder of the session split up, which slowed the game down to a crawl.  I tried to keep the game moving, and bounce between scenes, but there is only so much you can do to keep everybody invested.  I hope our next session picks up the pace a bit.
     Also, the group is without a dedicated healer.  The paladin and maybe the rogue are the only two that can use curing wands (eventually).  I foresee a lot of potions being consumed.  With this many beaters in the group, they have plenty of hp to share, but they will eventually run out of gas and fall.  This Adventure Path was noted to be quite brutal, so I'm anxious to see how it all plays out. 

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