I used to have a game lined up for every Friday. This worked out well as it gave me my gaming fix in regular, scheduled doses. I played in 2 games, which alternated Fridays. One of the games was dropped for a reason that I can't recall right now. But the game that I ran continued on, and it quickly approaching its 2-year anniversary. This has left a void in my schedule. I feel that this void has caused my gaming emotions to cycle from high to low to an excessive degree. Hmmm, maybe I'm gaming bi-polar? I would get excited as the game day drew closer and then crash to the floor a day or two after the game had taken place.
I was trying to get another game going, with one of my current players serving as the DM. Well, after several months of trying to gather enough people to make this happen, I finally decided to take matters into my own hands and send out a request for players for a game which I will DM.
I realize that DMing 2 games can be quite overwhelming. To help alleviate this, I will be running a pre-generated campaign, and trying to stick to the Core rules as much as possible to alleviate too much customization. With a few days, I already had several people interested in the game and we will begin the story on April 15th.
Now, maybe my bi-polar tendencies will stabilize and I will be a happy(-er) gamer. :-)
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